
Passcode Please

Today I stand at the ATM, putting in the passcode and all of a sudden I have a flash of an insight.
It’s the same with the universe and what’s the passcode for receiving again?

It’s not:
I’m worthy.
I’m good.
I did really well.
I tried really hard.
I want it.
I deserve it.
I need it.
But others have it too.
I want really bad.
I worked for it.
I suffered for it.
I’ll do everything for it.

The passcode is so simple, but it took me all these years to figure it out.
It is:

I choose to have a different experience.
I choose to receive not because of anything, but simply because I decide to make a different choice.
I decide to experience something new.
It’s so simple.
I choose to.
A little bit or a lot, it doesn’t matter.
I know that I can always choose to pull up to the universal ATM.
At any moment.
It’s just a decision away.

Admin - 14:05:46 @ English, Inspirierend | Kommentar hinzufügen

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